Second, I have a list of things to cover and communicate to everyone in this blog post. This should cover most of the questions people have, but if I miss something please email me at [email protected].
- April 21st Statement from CHSAA
- Refunds for Track
- Returning Uniforms
- Picking up Gear Orders
- Summer XC Tentative Plans
- New Aerobic Monster T-Shirts
- Tentative Fall XC Schedule
- Training and Time Off Before Summer XC Starts
- Optional Workouts During the CHSAA Spring Moratorium
1. Statement From CHSAA About Spring 2020 Season Cancellation
On April 21st, CHSAA released the following statement in regards to the end of the spring 2020 sports season:
2. Refunds for Track
Everyone should have been emailed by our Athletic Director, Mr. Flanigan, last week about spring refunds. As you already know, it has been decided by our district that we will not be completing our Spring Sports season as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Hopefully everyone in your family is safe and healthy. It is our hope that we will be able to get back to sports soon.
Douglas County School district has decided that participation fees from the district will be refunded. The district participation fee is the $185 that is paid when you register for a sport. The refund will just go back on the credit card you used or back to your account if you used e-Check. Please be patient as the refunds are done at the school level and we have over 500 refunds to process. Reach out to Autum Vitry, [email protected] if you have questions.
Thank you to all families that donated your $185 to the track team. As you know, times are hard for everyone and your gesture to let us keep the money in the program so that we can continue to move forward financially is much appreciated.
3. Returning Uniforms
This is going to be a big task for us and I will need a lot of help from everyone in getting your uniforms back to us. When the school district finally allows for facilities to open back-up I will schedule a time for everyone to come by the track to drop your uniforms off. Until then, please keep them safe and we will collect them as soon as we can from everyone sometime this summer.
4. Picking Up Gear Orders
For those of you that ordered track gear for the season from Denver Athletic it is still coming your way. I will get gear to athletes and families at the same time we do uniform returns. Please be on the lookout for a future email from me about when the gear order and uniform return will happen.
5. Summer XC Tentative Plans
At the moment, we are on hold from the school district with being able to set official dates for summer XC. I will have information out at the beginning of May about registration and plans for the summer. Here are a few things to consider.
- Start Date: When outdoor facilities open back up we will start camp at the earliest date possible. For us, this would be the week of June 1st. However, until the government, CDC, and school district all give us approval to start meeting again you will have to socially distance run in small groups, or individually. We are hoping for the best, but please understand that we are going to take everyones safety and heath into consideration first. We will not start meeting again in groups until we have been given approval.
- Registration: We will have information out in early May about registering for the summer, but the coaching staff needs more information from the school district first. We are anticipating that we will receive that information by the end of April. However, we do plan to have some form of registration and payment available for everyone to take care of online soon.
- The Final Surge: After you have registered online an account to our new training app and online training log (The Final Surge) will be created for you by the coaches. This is where you will be able to view your workouts starting June 1st.
- Be Prepared: We may not be able to meet as a full team right away. Please be prepared for this. No matter what our situation is the coaching staff will provide workouts for everyone to follow so that you can prepare for the fall season. We may have to coach the team remotely for a time. If this is the case, every single member of the TEAM will still receive a summer training schedule from us that you can follow.
6. New Aerobic Monster T-Shirts
The picture on the blog is our new aerobic monster T-Shirt for the summer. I know...they are awesome! The A.B.C. (Always Be Closing) 1,2,3 (miles one, two, and three) slogan from last fall was the inspiration behind the Sesame Street theme, and our new aerobic monsters, Cookie Monster and the Count. Here is how you can earn one.
- Run all summer from June 1st to August 31st: Training plans will be sent out like they always are. You will pick the one that works best for you with guidance from the coaches. Follow the plan and run everyday for 13 weeks.
- Log Your Miles in the Final Surge App: We are going to be using a new online training tool this summer on the website "The Final Surge." We are purchasing a team account, you do not need to register for this on your own. Everyday, you will be able to see your assigned individual training in Final Surge. You will then log your mileage on that day to keep track of all of your training throughout the summer months. This will also allow the coaches to be able to see your training and coach you remotely as needed. Anyone who wants to earn a new Aerobic Monster shirt MUST log their mileage in Final Surge. No paper logs this year.
- No Zeros: In order to earn a shirt you will have to log your mileage each day in order to become "An Aerobic Monster"! Taking a rest day on Sunday is fine, or days off for injury or sickness. Other than that, get your runs in! Even when you are on vacation.
- NXRSW 2020 Trip: For those that are planning to be a part of the Nike Cross Regional-Southwest trip this year you will need to log your miles through the entire season on Final Surge, not just the summer. This will be a requirement to attend the trip in the fall.
7. Tentative Fall XC Schedule
- Please look at the team calendar for current dates of the meets we plan to attend.
- Exact dates for the League Championships and Regional State Qualifier have not been confirmed yet.
- Team Calendar
8. Training and Time-Off Before XC Starts
Here is what the distance runners need to know about current training and when to take some down time.
- The coaches will continue to update the training document each week for you until we make the switch over to Final Surge.
- We will continue to write workouts for the track season that you can do on your own, or in small groups, until May 17th.
- From May 18th to May 31st we will be doing active recovery. This will involve everyone getting in an hour of activity a day. Part of that activity will be a very small amount of running for a few weeks. Something like 15 to 30 minutes a day. More details to come when the time gets closer.
- We will start official XC training and our aerobic monster mileage count on June 1st.
- Anyone who is thinking about racing on the track in June (even if it's a time trial) simply needs to tell me. I will continue to write workouts for you to be ready for any race you would like to compete in. But please communicate your plans with me.
9. Optional Workouts During the CHSAA Spring Moratorium
Coaches cannot meet with the team or individual athletes during this time. However, athletes can conduct their own voluntary self-workouts if you choose to do so. Below are links to optional workouts to help guide you with your training.