Western State Indoor
The Western State Indoor trip is next week. Attached are the trip details along with permission forms that need to be filled out and handed to Coach Dalby by Friday at practice. Athletes are competing as a part of Vista Nation Track Club since this is an out-of-season event.
- Western State Indoor Trip Itinerary (check your email)
- Western State Parent Permission Form (signed and returned)
- Western State Non-School Activity Release (signed and returned)
- Parent Driver Forms (if you are driving student athletes to Gunnison please complete and return along with the other permission slips)
- Hotel Information (check your email)
- Event Info and Schedule (link)
California Flight and Hotel Information
- Deposits for the trip are due Friday, February 12th (Checks payable to MVHS Track and Field Booster Club)
- Updated Itinerary w/ official flight and hotel information (check your email)
Spring Track Registration
Registration for spring sports is due by February 22nd. Please make sure you have completed the following before the 22nd:
- Register Online for Spring Sports (link)
- Pay Athletic Participation Fee
- Complete Physical and Athletic Medical Information forms after you register online
Schedule for the week of February 1st-7th
Mon-MVHS 3:10
Tue- MVHS 3:10
Wed-MVHS 3:10
Thur-A.M. Run 6:30 a.m. MVHS
-P.M. Run 3:20 p.m. @ Chatfield State Park Back
Entrance (Wadsworth exit off 470, go north and
the lot is the next right on Payne Ave)
Fri-MVHS 3:10 (track workout for distance runners)
Sat-Aspen Grove Panera Bread 9 a.m.
Sun-Optional Run or day off
Information on Getting Your Iron Levels Checked Before the Season Starts
It is that time of year again to be getting your iron levels checked. My recommendation is to have your ferritin levels checked at a minimum of twice a year. If the last time you had your levels checked was before XC, it is time to get them looked at again.
Here is my post from the summer about the importance of iron/ferritin for distance runners. Please review, and have your iron levels checked sometime during the month of February if you have not had them looked at since the start of the XC season. This goes for both boys and girls. Rule of thumb, get your ferritin levels checked at least twice a year by your doctor. A ferritin level of 30 is the minimum number acceptable for adequate performance as a distance runner.