Alamosa Camping Trip Information
Date: July 19th - 21st (two nights)
Where: KOA Alamosa (http://koa.com/campgrounds/alamosa/) - about a 4 hour drive according to Googlemaps
Cost: $30 per student (to cover gas, Dunes entry fees, and food -- chaperons are free!)
What: Tent camping with restrooms, pool, and other typical KOA amenities
Who: Vista Nation high school team members and chaperons
Food: We'll haul up the food and grill/cook it on site
Here is a list of the chaperones and number of kids they can take - please let me know if I can add you to this list:
Parker - 4 kids total
Johnson - 5 kids total
Graf - 6 kids total
Steiner - 4 kids total
Smith - 3 kids total (staying in hotel)
Romine - 4 kids total
Fitzsimmons? - 2 or 3 kids total?
Reicher - ?? kids total (also can help with first aid!) - not in tent site (pop-up)
STUDENT DRIVERS Students may ride with other students with parent permission. If your student is driving up, please shoot me (Kimmy Romine) an email if he/she is allowed to take passengers. I'll add them to the list.
I think we have a couple volunteers (Angela Smetanka, Chris Murphree) to help with the food shopping. Please let me know if you can also help with the shopping. I am guessing we'll need a lot of coolers, as well. We'll also need to plan for possible fire bans - we may need to haul up some camp stoves. Please email me (Kimmy Romine) if you have a camp stove we can borrow, if necessary.
To register for the camping trip, we just need the student's name and $30 (cash or check made out to MVHS XC). The $30 must be in an envelope with your student's name on it. (Checks made out to MVHS won't get deposited until August).
** Email your student's name** Please email your student's name to both Lori Graf - [email protected] and Laurie Parks - [email protected] If you know who your son or daughter is riding with, please indicate that in the email. If you don't know yet, we'll work it out as we get closer to the camping trip. It will help us organize things if we know right away who has a ride and who is still looking. If your student is allowed to ride with a student driver, please let Lori or Laurie know.
** Turn in $30 ** Your son or daughter can give his/her envelope at Summer Conditioning to Blake Graf or Ali Parks.
Important: Please put your student's name on the envelope. You can also mail it to Lori or Laurie - just email them for a mailing address.
I think that's it for now. Please email me if you have any questions or suggestions. Thank you to Laurie and Lori for helping out with registration and thank you to all the parent chaperones!
Kimmy Romine[email protected]