Monday-MVHS 3:10
Tuesday-Writer's Vista Park 3:20
Wednesday-6 a.m. Morning Run
-MVHS 3:10
Thursday-MVHS 3:10
-JV Meet 3:30 @ Littleton HS
Friday- MVHS 8 a.m. Practice
Stutler Bowl Invitational @ Cherry Creek HS
Saturday-On your own
Sunday-On your own
Littleton JV
When: Thursday @ 3:30
Where: Littleton HS
Out-of-Class: 1:30
Transportation: There is a oneway bus to Littleton HS. Pleas arrange your own ride home after the meet. If driving yourself please communicate with either Coach Dalby of Coach Kunz.
Order of Events (pdf)
Stutler Bowl Twilight
When: Friday
Where: Cherry Creek HS
Transportation: Please provide your own ride to and from the meet. All athletes should be at Stutler Bowl by 2:45 p.m.
Meet Information (doc)
Meet Records (doc)
Live Streaming: Only on
Line-ups for this week
5A Rankings
Here are the current 5A rankings for the state as of this weekend, along with what it took to qualify for state last year.
MD/Distance Workouts for April 10th-23rd