Spring Break Practices
Practices will remain at 8 a.m. this upcoming week over break at MVHS. Distance runners may be meeting off campus one or two days during the week.
Centennial League Spring Break Qualifier
The coaching staff is currently working on line-ups for this meet, and they should be ready sometime on Monday. This meet is being held at Cherry Creek HS on Thursday.
Longmont Invitational
We will be taking a small crew of distance runners, and potentially a few others that are trying to post individual marks for Arcadia, to this meet on Saturday. Line-ups will be posted by Monday.
Saturday/Monday Practices for Distance Runners
We will not meet on Saturday. Looking at the weather forecast for Saturday morning I would rather not chance a bad weather tempo workout, and want you to do the work on your own instead. Take a look at Training Peaks to see what your workout is for Saturday. Either do it on your own, or call a teammate up. I wrote a workout up that should be simple enough to do on a treadmill if you are not able to do it outside. Call me if you have any questions.
Monday's forecast is looking pretty good. We will be back on the track doing something faster at 8 a.m. that morning.