If you have not done so already, please fill out the TEAM/Individual goal setting form attached below this week. This is to replace our normal goal setting BBQ. Unfortunately, because of the pandemic we will not be able to do the goal setting BBQ this year. We will, however, do a goal setting meeting at practice next week. Please find 15 t0 30 minutes to sit down, and quietly reflect over your goals for the upcoming season. Your individual responses will be shared with the coaching staff, but we will not make your individual response public. Unique Vista Nation XC Gear Order
My good friend Pete (former Run Colorado owner) put together a really great gear order site for all of us! All items are optional, super cool, and available for any HS or MS athlete to order. And, all orders will be mailed to your home directly.
The site will be open for a limited time (about a week) so please order ASAP if you would like something. All gear is 100% optional, and there is no pressure to buy anything you see unless you want to. We will do our normal Denver Athletic Gear Order sometime in August where items like neon green Vista Nation shirts will be available at that time.. Schedule for August 3rd-9thMiddle School Camp: August 3rd-9th
Each group will meet 2x per week, once on-campus, and once OFF-CAMPUS! We are using Redstone Park for its proximity to the Highline Canal and SHADE! Additionally, each week, one group will meet a third time! Groups 3 and 4 were combined to facilitate the two/three practice schedule. When on-campus, athletes will work with one coach with a staggered start. Off-campus, two coaches will be present. We realize this schedule will not work every time for every athlete.
- Continue to bring a mask, labeled water bottle, and be ready to answer COVID Symptom Questions. If you would answer YES to any question, please stay home and run on your own. We will still take temperatures and enforce Social Distancing.
- Please bring a watch to practice!
- Be on time. This helps us get checked in quickly.
- If you can’t make a practice, they are still posted on Final Surge.
- Keep being safe and having fun!
If you are listed in the last column on the Group List and would like to join a LIVE practice, please email Coach Estell ([email protected]) or Coach Sprafke ([email protected]).
High School Training: August 3rd-9th
From here on, training will be posted for you in the Final Surge App. This will help you to know what your daily workouts are before you come to practice each day, along w/ knowing what to run when you are out of town during the summer.
If you have not signed-up yet for the Final Surge App, or need help doing so, please take a look at the following link for assistance.