It is that time of year again to be getting your iron levels checked. My recommendation is to have your ferritin levels checked at a minimum of twice a year. If the last time you had your levels checked was before XC, it is time to get them looked at again.
Here is my post from the summer about the importance of iron/ferritin for distance runners. Please review, and have your iron levels checked sometime during the month of January if you have not had them looked at since the start of the XC season. This goes for both boys and girls. Rule of thumb, get your ferritin levels checked at least twice a year by your doctor. A ferritin level of 30 is the minimum number acceptable for adequate performance as a distance runner.
Western State Indoor Trip February 12th-13th
We have 10 hotel rooms reserved for the Western State Indoor meet in Gunnison the night of February 12th. The actual meet starts on the morning of the 13th. The cost per athletes will be around $50 to cover the cost of your hotel room and entry into the meet. Athletes will have to provide their own transportation to the Gunnison for the meet.
Marks achieved at Western on the 13th will count towards entry consideration for the California trip.
Meet Information:
Registration for Winter Conditioning
Please register for off-season winter track before the official start date on January 4th. We will meet 5 days a week during the winter, with opportunities to get together on Saturday's for long runs at some new locations near the metro area. The cost for the winter is $100 to participate, which will go to help compensate our assistant coaches for their time during the months of December, January, and February.
Winter Track Conditioning/Camp Registration (link)
California Trip Update
A tentative schedule is now available to see on our calendar page. This is not final yet, but it should be by the time we return in January. We do plan to travel again this spring with the track and field team to the Arcadia, CA Invitational April 7th-10th. We also have the option to send athletes to the South Pasadena Tiger Invitational that same weekend (20 mins from the Arcadia Track) if they end up missing the cut into Arcadia. Here is the preliminary info about the California trip.
Requirements to be considered for the out-of-state trip in April
1. Follow all team policies
2. Be at all practices/competitions during spring break (Centennial League Qualifier on Thursday, March 24th)
3. Make the minimum marks for acceptance into the meet
4. Marks can be attained at indoor meets during the winter
5. Athletes will need to be in shape by the start of spring track to be eligible for the trip. The best way to do this is by showing up to off-season workouts everyday during the winter.
Schedule for Jan 4th-10th
Mon-MVHS 3:10
Tue- Redstone Park 3:20
Wed-MVHS 3:10
Thur-MVHS 3:10
Fri-MVHS 3:10
Sat-Aspen Grove 9 a.m. (long run)
Sun-Optional Run on your own, or w/ a teammate