This is a great article series from the Milesplit National site. It details what some of the best high school runners from around the country are doing in their training each week, and what has propelled them towards the top. If you are interested in seeing how the best runners in the U.S. train you should check these out!
Training for July 25th-31st
Please take a look at this weeks training document.
July 25th-31st workouts for groups 1, 2, 3, and 4 (link)
Schedule for July 25th-31st
Mon-Rocky Heights 7 a.m.
Tue-MVHS 7 a.m.
Town Center Jamba Juice 6 p.m.
Wed-Redstone Park 7 a.m.
Thur-MVHS 7 a.m.
-Audubon Center at Chatfield 6 p.m.
Fri-Writer's Vista Park 7 a.m.
(Take Broadway to Mineral and turn left. The park
is a mile down on your left.)
Sat-Look at workout schedule and run on your own
Sun-Optional run on your own