If you are a new parent on the team two of our team mom's posted some great information for everyone trying to learn what we are all about. Please take a few moments to read so that you can be up-to-speed on all things Vista Nation XC.
Training Plans for June 4th-17th
If you are unsure which plan to follow please come talk to Coach Dalby.
Goal Setting BBQ's
Our goal setting BBQ's are on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. Both goal setting meetings are for all high school members of the TEAM including the incoming freshman.
- Boys Goal Setting Meeting: Tuesday, June 12th at 5-8 p.m. @ Coach Dalby's house. Email will be sent w/ the address next week.
- Girl's Goal Setting Meeting: Wednesday, June 13th at 5-8 p.m. @ Coach Dalby's house. Email will be sent w/ address next week.
The goal setting meetings are for every member of the TEAM to attend that can make it, and something I consider to be the most important TEAM meeting of the entire year. It sets a purpose for our training this summer, and allows us to set a focus for the season.
What to Bring With You
- Please bring a folding chair or camping chair with you to the meeting. Everything else will be covered.
Schedule for June 11th-17th
Monday- MVHS 7 a.m.
Tuesday-Redstone Park 7 a.m. (meet at shelter house by the duck pond)
-Boys Goal Setting BBQ @ Dalby's 5-8 p.m.
Wednesday-Rocky Heights Middle School 7 a.m. (meet at East/West Trail Head)
-Girls Goal Setting BBY @ Dalby's 5-8 p.m.
Thursday-MVHS 7 a.m.
Friday-Writers Vista Park (near Broadway and Mineral) 7 a.m.
-Breakfast After at Einstein Bagel after run (HR Pkwy and Broadway)
Saturday-On your own, check the workout schedule on the blog
Sunday-On your own