Monday: DeKoevend Park 7 a.m.
Tuesday: MVHS 7 a.m.
Wednesday: Redstone Park 7 a.m.
Thursday: MVHS 7 a.m.
Friday: East/West Trail Lot 7 a.m.
Saturday: On Your Own or call a teammate
Sunday: On Your Own or call a teammate to run
Training Calendar for June 24th-30th
Every week a training plan will be posted for you to follow. This will help you to know what your daily workouts are before you come to practice each day along w/ knowing what to run when you are out of town during the summer.
The Importance of Iron Level Upkeep For Distance Runners
Every season there is one issue that we see time and time again with our runners that impacts them regardless of age, sex, or amount of training they are doing. That issue is anemia, or being iron deficient. If not careful, this is something that can compromise an athletes XC season very quickly. Our goal is to educate every family about the importance of iron and how it can enhance an athletes performance when taken seriously.
Start Here:
Please begin by looking at this simple slide show presentation we have put together with the help of our good friend Coach Jesse Griffin (Lee's Summit West HS, MO) for families to look at. This should inform you as to why the coaching staff talks about iron/ferritin levels so often, and how you can successfully make sure your iron levels are sufficient.
- Iron Level Upkeep and Ferritin for Distance Runners (link to presentation)
Educating yourself on these issues is very important. Here are a few things every family should be thinking about in regards to iron/ferritin levels:
- Educate yourself on what iron does for you as a runner, and how it can hurt when you are lacking.
- Get your ferritin levels tested 2-3 times a year by your medical provider, and know your numbers. The off-season is the best time to get your levels checked.
- Set a goal for yourself to get your ferritin levels to at least 30. 40-50 is better, and gives you a nice surplus of iron.
- If your ferritin is under 20, you are most likely not going to be able to perform at your best as a distance runner.
- Eat lots of iron rich foods daily such as red meat and spinach.
- Take an iron supplement.
I have included several articles below about this very important issue to help you educate yourself on the matter. Please feel free to talk to the coaches if you have additional question.
- Iron Level Upkeep for Distance Runners
- Are Your Ferritin Levels Up to Speed? Top Coaches Take Tests for Iron Seriously
- Ironing Out the Details: Know the facts about ferritin and iron before deciding to supplement
- Iron Deficiency In Runners
Talking to Your Doctor
In the coaching staff's experience some doctors are hesitant to test for ferritin levels because they do not fully understand the critical role ferritin plays in endurance athletics. Below is a letter from Dr. Kim Colter (Washington, MO) w/ references, about ferritin levels for endurance athletes that you can take with you to your medical provider when you ask to get tested. Please take this letter with you so that your doctor fully understands why it is you are asking to have your ferritin levels checked.