Welcome into the world the newest member of the Vista Nation XC family, Kilian Graham Cooke! Born at 3:23 p.m. on 7/1/2012, 8lbs 3 oz and 20" long. Mom and baby are doing fine. Looke for Kilian's debut in a Vista XC uniform at the Arapahoe Invitational in September of 2027!
How do you feel at Practice????
In the last week we have heard a lot about the heat, being tired at 7 a.m., and runs being "brutal". The coaches are the first to recognize that the way we train at Vista is not easy. We like to challenge each and every one of you on a daily basis. At the same time, we also feel that the training plans that we have set out for everyone are 100% achievable if you have the work ethic to take on the challenge. So if you are feeling a bit tired, worn out from the heat, or feeling unrecovered on some days here is what the coaching staff suggests. Make sure you are taking care of your sleep, hydration, and diet habits during the summer. We never hide the fact that we train hard at Vista. Training hard will make you a better runner, but the hard training alone is not what will make you a better distance runner.....Recovering properly from difficult training is what will help reach your full potential. Here are some suggestions that we feel will help you recover properly after every run:
Hydration: Drink at least 100 oz to 1 gallon of water each day. Spread out your hydration from the time you wake up to the time you go to bed. Sports drinks are okay to replace electrolytes immediately after runs, but H2O should be your primary form of hydration.
Sleep: 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night is a must. If you want to recover and benefit from each run there is no substitute for a good nights sleep.
Diet: How well are you fueling your body each day? Your body is a race car, fuel it up like it is! There is no replacement for proper diet. Eat from the 5 major food groups daily. Raw fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and dairy. Eliminate or keep the following in moderation: saturated fats, fried foods, sugar (including drinks such as soda pop and frappuccino), and things with a lot of salt/sodium.
If your diet is right you will recover right. Don't take for granted taking care of your self each day. We will push you hard the hour we see you everyday at practice. How you treat yourself the other 23 hours is what will separate you from being a good runner to a great runner.
Schedule for July 2nd to July 8th
Mon: MVHS 7 a.m.
Tue: East/West Trail Head on top of Griggs Rd. 7 a.m.
Wed: HRCA 4th of July 5K (no practice) Click link for details. http://www.hrcaonline.org/Recreation/RunSeries/RunSeriesRaces/July4th5KRun.aspx
Thur: MVHS 7 a.m.
Fri: South Platte Park (Click here for map or parking lot location)
Sat: Run on your own or with a teammate
Sun: Optional Run
HRCA 4th of July 5K
For those of you that will be in town over the 4th of July we are going to try and get as many of you out running the HRCA 4th of July 5K as we can. This is a very low key run, in fact we are even going to encourage you to dress up! Our theme for the meet will be "Vista Nation XC" and "America". Prizes to the person with the best outfit to run in. If you have not signed up already here is the link to the race information: