Consistency and Other Key's to Success this Summer
Last week I posted a few articles that I would like both parents, and athletes to take the time to read. In the spirit of becoming a "student of the sport" these articles do a really nice job at explaining how a high school XC athlete can make the most out of their summer off-season, and help you reach yoru full potential in the fall.
- From Zero to Varsity: A Beginners Guide to Training for Cross Country
- Summer Training for HS Runners
- 10 Tips for Making Varsity Cross Country: Pathways to Excellence for JV Runners Seeking to Move Up
Goal Setting BBQ's
Our goal setting BBQ's are on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. Both goal setting meetings are for all high school members of the TEAM including the incoming freshman.
- Girls Goal Setting Meeting: Tuesday, June 7th at 5:00 p.m. @ the Fitzsimmon's house. Email will be sent w/ address
- Boys Goal Setting Meeting: Wednesday, June 8th at 5:00 p.m. Location TBD. Email will be sent w/ address and location.
What to bring w/ you to the BBQ
- Freshman: Bring water or lemonade for 6
- Sophomores: Salad and dressing for 6
- Jrs: Bring a side dish for 6
- Srs: Dessert for 6
- Coaches: Meat, buns, paper goods
Get Fitted for Quality Running Shoes
If you do not have a quality pair of running shoes please get a pair. The wrong shoes, or shoes that are too old, are typically the main reason for injury that we see. Your best option is to go to Boulder Running Company on Arapahoe Road in
Greenwood Village, or Runner's Roost in Lone Tree off Lincoln. Both will do a full gate analysis for you to make sure you are properly fitted for running shoes, and as a Mountain Vista HS athlete you will also receive 15 to 20% off your purchase.
As a rule of thumb, your shoes should be changed out in the following situations:
- You have had them for a full season (winter track, spring track, summer XC, or fall XC)
- You have been running on them for 3 full months.
- They have more than 500 miles on them (Even if the shoe looks fine, change it out at this point).
Schedule for June 6th-12th
Mon- MVHS 7 a.m.
Tue-Rocky Heights MS 7 a.m.
Girls Goal Setting BBQ 5 p.m. (Fitzsimmons)
Wed-MVHS 7 a.m.
Boys Goal Setting BBQ 5 p.m. (TBD)
Thur-Aspen Grove Panera Bread 7 a.m.
Bring $$$ for breakfast afterwards!!!
Fri- MVHS 7 a.m.(meet at tennis courts)
Sat-Look at workout schedule and run on your own
Sun-Optional run on your own
Training Plan Links
I am finishing plans this week, please be patient. Everyone will have a plan from Memorial Day, to Labor Day to follow for the next 13 weeks. In order to view plans, you must log in with your DCSD Google account. Parents, please click on your child's training plan and ask me to share it with you so that you can view.
Training Groups
I am in the process of assigning training groups to athletes this week, but please come talk to a coach if you have not already figured out which group you are in. Here is the basic overview:
- Group 1: New runners, freshman, and athletes that need a lower milage program. Will start the summer around 10-12 miles for the 1st week and work up to 20 to 35 miles a week by the fall depending on the athletes abilities and needs.
- Group 2: Athletes that have been running for at least 1 year w/ Vista Nation at the high school level, sophomores, and runners that need an intermediate amount of mileage. Girls will eventually work up to 35-40 miles a week. boys 40-45 miles a week.
- Group 3: Our athletes that have been running with us 3 to 4 years as a part of Vista Nation. Athletes that are ready for a higher mileage program. Girls will get up to 40-45 miles for those running 3 years, and those ready for the challenge will get up to 45-50 miles. Boys will work up to about 50-60 miles for runners that have been in the program for 3 years, and those ready for the challenge will work up to 55-65 miles a week.
Summer Training Log
All high school athletes are being asked to log (write down) their runs this summer, and share it with the coaching staff. We are currently working on the form to use that you will be able to update each day after your runs. For now, please be writing down your daily mileage somewhere on a piece of paper, or in an app on your phone. Training Peaks for those that have it will work through July.
Athletes that log their runs each day from Memorial Day to Labor Day will receive our new official Vista Nation XC Beanie (see picture above). These are not for sale. Only athletes that log their miles everyday will receive a beanie in September.
Summer Registration and Fees
If you have not registered for summer conditioning yet please do so ASAP. Registration is still open. If you have yet to pay your $150 camp fee, please bring it with you to camp this week.
Pre-Season Athlete/Parent Meeting Presentation
If you missed the pre-season meeting, here is the info we covered. Please take a look so you are aware of what is coming up during the 2016-2017 XC/Track Season:
- 2016-2017 Pre-Seaon XC Presentation (link to presentation)
- Summer Training Options
- Summer Parent Help (please email Coach Dalby if you can help)
- Summer Camping Trip: June 20th-22nd @ Golden Gate Canyon State Park
- Fall XC Schedule
- Metrostate/Mountain Vista HS XC Invitational at Wash Park (Denver)
- Out-of-State Trips for next year
- Woodbridge XC Classic in Orange County, CA
- NXRSW in Casa Granda, Arizona
- Big River Running Company Indoor Championships in February (Columbia, MO)
- Spring Break Trip to San Fransisco to race
- Get ferritin levels checked out in June.
If you have not turned in your track uniform you currently have a fine with the front office, and will not be able to complete your registration in August once school starts back up. To have your fine waived please bring your uniform to practice at the beginning of the week.
Uniform Fines:
- Lost Shorts: $40
- Lost Singlet: $40
- Lost Warm-up Bottom: $50
- Lost Warm-up Top: $50