I've posted a bunch of odds-and-ins this week about things that relate to the summer. Please take a look through to see what is relevant to you.
Summer Training
Workouts through the middle of July have been posted. More workouts will be going up this week. This is so that you have a workout plan to follow when you are out-of-town or away from practice this summer. My advice to anyone looking to get the most out of their potential this summer is to pick one of the following 3 plans and consistently follow it everyday. Here is a description of the 3 plans that you could potentially follow:
A Plan: For new runners, incoming freshman, or anyone that needs a low volume plan
B Plan: Runners that have been running for at least 1 year at the HS level and upper classman runners that need a little less volume.
C Plan: Upperclassman runners that have been running at the HS level for both XC and track for at least 2 full years. Those athletes looking for a higher volume program.
Here is the link to where you can view the workout plans:
Summer Workout Calendar (link)
Camping Trip to Steamboat Springs: July 17th-19th
We have booked a site for this years camping trip in Steamboat Springs. The dates for the trip are July 17th-19th. Currently, 25 athletes have registered for the trip. The cost to cover camping for 2 nights plus food (breakfast and dinners) will be approximately $50 which will be due the week of the trip. Additional cost will include gas money for your driver and any spending money you choose to bring with you (including lunches).
This trip is for all HS runners on the TEAM that are consistently taking part in our summer program. This includes new runners and freshman. We would like to get as many athletes out to Steamboat as possible.
We currently have 5 adult chaperones signed up to help and will be in need of at least 5 more. Athletes will not be allowed to drive themselves to Steamboat so the more parent help/drivers we can get the better.
If you did not register for the camping trip when you signed up for summer conditioning, but plan on going to Steamboat please email me before 4th of July weekend to let me know you are going. I will be finalizing our camping sites that weekend and will not be able to take additional campers after that time. [email protected]
Parent Meeting
The parent meeting that was scheduled this week has been canceled. I want to wait until we get a little further into the summer before I touch base with you. I will set another date in a few weeks, but it will definitely be after the kids have their goal setting meetings.
Athlete Goal Setting Meetings
This is one of the most important things we do as a TEAM all summer. It is a chance for our athletes to come together and talk about the direction they would like to take the TEAM this year and a chance to set both individual and TEAM goals. We would like every high school athlete on the team to be at these meetings if you are in town. The date for the goal setting meetings have changed slightly so please take a look.
Boys Goal Setting Meeting-Wednesday, June 11th. 5 p.m. at Nate Mortimer's House
Girls Goal Setting Meeting-Wednesday, June 18th. 5 p.m. at Delaney Fitzsimmons House (this is a date change from the originally scheduled time)
Pancake Breakfast
Due to the large number of athletes that came out this summer we will not be able to hold runs at Deer Creek Canyon. Instead, what I would like to do is meet at someones house on those dates to do our long run from and then have breakfast afterwards. If there are parents that would be willing to let us use your backyard/kitchen to cook pancakes for the kids post run it would be greatly appreciated. These are the dates we would like to make breakfast for the kids. Please email me if you can help.
June 20th
July 11th
July 25th
Schedule for June 9th-12th
Some athletes may need help getting to our off campus locations, especially places like Waterton Canyon and the Bluffs.
Mon-Rocky Heights Middle School 7 a.m.
Tue-MVHS 7 a.m.
Wed-Waterton Canyon 7 a.m.
Thur-MVHS 7 a.m.
Fri-Bluffs Regional Park 7 a.m.
Sat-Run on your own or w/ a teammate (see workout schedule)
Sun-Run on your own or rest (see workout schedule)