Mon-MVHS 8 a.m.
Tue- MVHS 8 a.m.
-Distance Runners Redstone Park 8 a.m.
Wed-MVHS 8 a.m.
Thur-Spring Break Qualifier @ Cherry Creek HS
Fri-Rocky Heights MS 8 a.m. (Distance Runners)
Sat-MVHS 8 a.m.(distance runners)
-Longmont Invitational
Sun-Optional Run or day off
Meet Line-ups for SBQ and Longmont
Google Docs Link to Line-ups
Spring Break Qualifier
When: Thursday, March 24th from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Where: Cherry Creek High School
Transportation: Please provide your own ride to the meet.
Arrival: All athletes competing should be at CCHS by 2:30 on Thursday unless you have made previous arrangements with your event coach.
Schedule of Events (link)
Official Meet Site (link)
Infield: Parents, please stay in the stands and off the infield during the meet. Our athletes will be disqualified from the meet if parents are not in the stands.
Longmont Invitational
When: Saturday,March 26th
Where: Longmont High School
Transportation: Please provide your own ride to Longmont. If athletes are driving themselves to the meet their parents must contact Coach Dalby for approval.
Arrival: Please be at the Longmont track at least 90 minutes before your event.
Schedule of Events and Official Meet Site (link)