Please make sure you look through the line-ups for the week, and know which meets you are headed to. Many of you will be competing in more than 1 meet. Meet line-ups for the week will be finalized by Monday at practice, with the exception of Longmont, and are tentative until then.
Being at School on Meet Days
This message is for everyone. On days we compete, you are not allowed to miss school that day, if you expect to compete in the meet. All student-athletes are expected to be in all of their classes during the day up until the offical track dismissal time. The only exception is an excused absence (i.e. a doctors appointment w/ a note). Athletes that miss any of their classes during the day do not have the opportunity to compete.
Longmont Invitational (now at Lyons HS)
When: Monday, March 28th
Where: Lyon HS in Lyons, CO (This is a change from the original location at Longmont HS)
Transportation: There is a bus to this meet leaving Vista at 10:30 a.m. All athletes going to the meet must be in periods 1 through 3 to be eligible to compete. Athletes are expected to be on the bus on the way to the meet. If you leave with a parent after you will need to check out w/ Coach Dalby.
Invite 3200: This is moving to the earlier portions of the meet. 1 heats of boys and 1 heat of girls.
Dismissal: After 3rd period
Updated Meet Schedule
Official Website and Results (link)
Heritage JV
When: Thursday, March 31st starting at 3:30 p.m.
Where: Heritage HS in Littleton
Teams: Heritage, Vista, TRidge, Pondo
Schedule/Order-of-Events (link)
Transportation: Please provide your own ride to and from Heritage on Thursday. Please check out w/ a coach when you leave the meet.
Out-of-Class: Athletes will be let out of class at 2:00 during period 6 on Thursday.
Palmer Frosh/Soph Invitational
When: Friday, April 1st
Where: Garry Berry Stadium in Colorado Springs
Teams: 20 teams competing
Transportation: There is a bus to and from the Springs for this meet. Athletes are expected to be on the bus to the meet, and stay until the end. If you leave with a parent you will need to check out w/ Coach Dalby after the 4x400.
Out-of-Class: Athletes are being let out of class at 9:45 on Friday. The bus leaves at 10 a.m.
Official Meet Site and results (link)
Meet Schedule (excel)
Mustang Invitational
When: Saturday, April 2nd
Where: Mountain Range High School in Westminster, CO
Transportation: Please provide your own ride to and from Mountain Range. All athletes should be at the meet by 8 a.m. on Saturday, unless you have made previous arrangements with either Coach Dalby, or Coach Kunz
Official Meet Site (link)
Meet Schedule (will be posted here once we have it)
Booster Club/Fundraising for the 2016 Spring Season
As discussed at the parent meeting, this season, we are asking every family to help raise $100 to help support track and field. This will help us to cover the cost for assistant coaching stipends along with uniform updates. We have several options to help raise the $100 for each family in addition to the normal athletic fees.
- Option 1) Donate to the Booster Club. We are hoping for $100-$150 per family, but whatever you feel comfortable giving is fine with us. This is our preferred method for fundraising this spring. The Booster Club form was sent in an email to each family, and is also poster here: Booster Club Donation Form(pdf)
- Option 2) If you cannot give to the booster club, be a part of our grocery card fundraiser. Please contact Therese Fitzsimmons to pick-up your grocery card. Link to grocery card fundraiser:
- Option 3) Be a part of both the Booster Club and the Grocery Card Fundraiser.
All Booster club checks can be brought to Coach Dalby at practice, or before school in lower 527.
California Final Payment Due by April 6th
Final payments for the California trip are due by Wednesday, April 6th. This is the day before we head out to California. The final payment came out to $243.00 to cover the cost of hotel and rental car on the trip for athletes.
Please make checks for $243.00 out to the Mountain Vista Booster Club, and bring them to Coach Dalby at practice or to Lower 527 before school.
Final California Instructions are being emailed to everyone this weekend (March 26th/27th)
Schedule for March 28th-April 3rd
Mon- Longmont Invitational (at Lyons HS) Bus Leaving Vista at 10:30 a.m.
-Practice MVHS 3:10 p.m.
Tue- MVHS 3:10 p.m.
Wed-6:00 a.m. Run (Distance Runners)
-MVHS practice 3:10
Thur-6:30 a.m. Run (distance runners)
Heritage JV Meet
-MVHS practice 3:10 p.m.
Fri-Palmer Frosh/Soph Meet @ Gerry Berry Stadium in CO Springs
-Practice MVHS 3:10
Sat-Mustang Invitational @ Mountain Range HS in Thornton
-Distance Runners 8 a.m. @ MVHS
Sun-Optional Run or day off