On Monday, March 16th Rx Sports Recovery in Highlands Ranch will be hosting an open house for our team after practice. This is a chance to check out the facility for free, and to see what recovery options they have available. Here is their website.
Entries for Regis and LPS Duals
Meet entries will be posted here on the blog each week, and on the homepage. With over 125 athletes on the team it takes some time to organize so please be patient with us. The coaching staff will have entries up by Tuesday night.
Meet Entries for March 9th-15th (posted by Tuesday night)
Regis JV Meet Information
Where: Regis Jesuit High School
6400 S Lewiston Way
Aurora, CO 80016
When: Thursday, March 12th at 3:30 p.m. to approximately 6:30 p.m.
Out-of-Class: Athletes will be excused from class at 1:45 on Thursday.
Transportation: There is a bus leaving MHVS at 2:00. All athletes competing are expected to be on the bus to Regis. There will be a return bus to Vista after the meet. Athletes are welcome to ride home with their parents at the conclusion of the 4x400 meter relay at the end of the meet.
Teams Competing: Vista, Regis, Ranch and Ponderosa
Schedule of Events: JV Order of Events (pdf)
LPS Varsity Duals Meet Information
Where: Arapahoe HS
When: Saturday, March 14th from 9:00 a.m. to approximately 3:30 p.m.
Arrival and Finishing Time: All Vista athletes should arrive at Arapahoe HS by 9:00 a.m. unless otherwise discussed with your event coach. The coaching staff would like for all athletes on the team to stay until the end of the meet.
Schedule of Events: PDF for Time Schedule
Teams Competing: Mountain Vista, Arapahoe, Bear Creek, Littleton, Heritage, Wheat Ridge
Official Meet Website and Results:
Distance Runners Workouts for March 9th-15th
Here are the workouts for the week. If you are not racing on Saturday we are planning on meeting from 8 to 9 a.m. Saturday morning for a quick track workout. You will notice that I have referenced the McMillan Pace Calculator (link) for your Wednesday run. This is a pretty solid tool to use when trying to figure out what paces you should be running in workouts.
Distance Runners Workouts March 9th-15th (link)
Schedule for March 9th-15th
Mon-MVHS 3:10
Tue-MVHS 3:10
Wed-MVHS 3:10
Thur-MVHS 3:10 Varsity Practice
-JV Meet Regis HS 3:30
Fri- MHVS 3:10
-Distance Runners Redstone Park 3:20
Sat-LPS Duals Meet at Arapahoe HS
-Distance runners not racing, 8 a.m. MVHS track
Sun-Optional run on your own