Schedule for May 8th-14th
Monday-MVHS 3:10
Tuesday- Redstone Park 3:20
Wednesday-MVHS 3:10
Thursday-League Champs Day 1
-MVHS 3:10 if not racing
Friday- League Champs Day 1 if Rescheduled
-MVHS 3:10 if not racing
Saturday-League Relays Day 2
Sunday-On your own/Optional
Continental League Information
When: Thursday and Saturday (flex-day Friday)
Make-Up Date: Friday is the flex-day if the weather does not cooperate on Thursday. A decision will be made by the League on Tuesday about moving the meet.
Where: Echo Park Stadium
Transportation: Please provide your own ride to the meet after school on Thursday. There is no bus to the meet.
Meet Info and schedule (doc)
Uniform Turn-In Day
When: Monday, May 15th @ 3:10
Where: MVHS Track Shed
Seniors: Seniors that do not turn in their uniform on time, or pay the missing uniform fine, will not be able to walk at graduation. Please make sure uniforms are in to avoid any issues.
Uniform Fines: Athletes that do not turn in their uniform will be fined with the athletic office $100 per uniform. Please turn your uniforms in on time to avoid fines.
End of Season Banquet
When: Wednesday, May 24th @ 6:00 p.m.
Where: MVHS Commons
More information will be out on the banquet in the next week
League Line-ups
Distance Runners Training for May 8th-14th
Community Service Opportunity
If you are interested in community service hours Kimmy Romine needs help on Saturday, May 13th from 7 a.m. to noon working the Mother's Day 5K. Please email Kimmy for details. [email protected]