If you have not had your ferritin levels checked since the end of XC please do so in the next week or two. My recommendation is to have your ferritin levels checked at a minimum of twice a year: Once after the track season, and once after XC season. If the last time you had your levels checked was before XC, it is time to get them looked at again.
Below is information about the importance of iron/ferritin for distance runners. Please review, and have your iron levels checked ASAP if you have not recently done so. This goes for both boys and girls. Rule of thumb, get your ferritin levels checked at least twice a year by your doctor. A ferritin level of 30 is the minimum number acceptable for adequate performance as a distance runner. I also recommend that every athlete on the team be taking an iron supplement that works for them. Please come talk to me if you have questions.
- The Importance of Iron in Distance Runners (Blog Post)
- Why You Should Get Your Ferritin Levels Checked (Blog Post)
- A letter from a doctor, with references, about ferritin levels for endurance athletes that you can take with you to your medical provider when you get tested. (Doc)
- Are Your Ferritin Levels Up to Speed? Top Coaches Take Tests for Iron Seriously (article)
- Ironing Out the Details: Know the facts about ferritin and iron before deciding to supplement (article)
- Iron Level Upkeep For Runners (article)
When: Saturday
Where: Dalby's House
Parent Help: If there are 1 or 2 parents that would like to help on Saturday we could definitley use an extra hand!
What to Bring
- Folding Chairs
Should I run on Sunday?
If you are considering running on Sunday's and missed last weeks blog post here it is again.
Schedule for January 29th-February 4th
Monday-Writer's Vista 3:20
Tuesday- MVHS 3:10
Wednesday- Morning Run 6 a.m.
-MVHS 3:10
Thursday- Morning Run 6:30 a.m.
-MVHS 3:10 p.m.
Friday- Rocky Heights MS 3:20
Saturday- BBQ Long Run from Dalby's 9 a.m.
Sunday-On Your Own -or- REST
Training Schedules
Please take look at the attached training schedules prior to coming to practice, and to see what your runs are on the weekends. If you ever have to miss a run during the winter it will be posted for you here.