As I mentioned in the email to the team earlier in the week we will be changing the location of the camping trip this weekend from Steamboat Springs to Rocky Mountain National Park. The cost of the trip is $50. $20 cash to give to your driver for gas and park entrance on Thursday. The Other $30 (cash or check made out to MVHS XC) goes to me to help cover the cost of camping and food for the weekend. Please remember to bring money for lunches on Friday/Saturday and for any spending money you may need while we are in Estes Park. Here is the trip itinerary.
2014 Camping Trip Itinerary (pdf)
How Fast Should I be Running?
The question of how fast you should be running on our aerobic runs and tempo days has come up this summer. I created a pretty simple cheat sheet for you to make reference to so that you have a better idea. Although the numbers provided are not an exact science they are pretty close. I will talk more about this at practice on Monday.
How Fast Should I Be Running? (pdf)
Goals for the 2014 XC Season
Here is a quick reminder of the goals we are working towards this upcoming season that were set by the TEAM last month at our boys and girls BBQs. Print these off and tape them to the refrigerator, your bathroom mirror, or anywhere else where you will consistently see them. This will server as a great reminder of what it is we are working towards this season and why we bust our humps each and every day.
2014 Boys XC Goals (pdf)
2014 Girls XC Goals (pdf)
Weight Room and Doubles Change
I am going to make a change to the schedule for the last 4 weeks of the summer. The weight room will remain open on Tuesday evenings for anyone that wants to come in. On Thursday's, we will have access to the weight room in the a.m. and will be able to go in after our runs. We will no longer meet on Thursday evenings.
A big reason I am doing this is that I feel we are running enough already without meeting on Thursday nights. I still want to meet on Tuesday's for a 35 minute run so that the B and C groups are getting in 7 runs each week. The weight room will also be open Tuesday nights.
If you still need another run to "go the extra mile" Sunday's are always an option for you. Keep Sunday's easy and go out from 30-60 minutes. If you are running on Sunday just be sure to take at least one day off every 3 weeks.
Parent Meeting July 30th at 6 p.m.
On July 30th we will have our pre-season XC meeting. There will not be an athlete-parent meeting in the first 2 weeks of school like we have held in the past. The meeting on the 30th will be held at Mountain Vista HS and should last for about an hour. We would like for as many parents as possible to attend on the 30th to discuss the following items.
- 2014 XC season
- Parent help and sign-ups for the season
- Nike Cross Regionals Trip to Arizona
- University of New Mexico Invitational
- Budget and fundraising
- Spring break trip to Arizona during track
- Elementary School Race
- A few new items that relate to the future and direction of the team that we would like to talk about and find parent help with
Schedule for July 14th-July 20th
Mon-RedStone Park 7 a.m.
Tue-MVHS 7 a.m.
MVHS Weight Room 6 p.m.
Wed-Aspen Grove Panera Bread 7 a.m.
-Bring $$$ for breakfast
Thur-MVHS 7 a.m.
Leave for Camping Trip 1:00 p.m.
Fri-Team Camping Trip, no practice
Sat-Run on your own or w/ a teammate
See training schedule for workout
Sun-Run on your own or rest
See training schedule for workout